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ICIMOD is developing an integrated information platform linking weather and climate data with agriculture practices in the region. The platform provides data analysis support to professionals responsible for developing agro-met advisories for government agencies and farmers. The web-based service on the National agricultural drought watch for Nepal has been developed in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development and ICIMOD under the SERVIR Hindu Kush Himalaya (SERVIR-HKH) Initiative. It provides information on the in-season drought situation and outlook. It provides baselines on crop type maps and farming practices calendars valid at the district level, and multiple indices evapotranspiration, precipitation rate, standardized precipitation index, soil moisture, and temperature for droughts and seasonal weather outlooks at the national and regional levels. These can inform short- to medium-term agro-advisories. Users can already explore historical time-series data on the five indices over 18 years aggregated in decadal, monthly, and quarterly sets. The system provides 9 months forecast for various parameters.

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